Q: How did someone get Daniel Craig to do a vodka ad?

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Adam Thomlison / TV Media

You must be referring to the ad for Belvedere vodka that features Daniel Craig ("Casino Royale," 2006) dancing, badly, in an undershirt through a swanky hotel. It went viral online because — well, because of what I just described.

Craig said he did it for a laugh. "When I read the script, I thought, 'Hmm, really?'" he told England's Sunday Times magazine. "Then, 'Let's go with it.' I hope people get the gag."

But that's not much of an answer. Variety magazine has a deeper theory: that the longtime James Bond star did it so he could stop being Bond.

Craig has said in the past that, now that he's quit the franchise, he's struggling to distance himself from Bond's stony, serious image. This ad is certainly neither of those things.

Craig might also have just wanted to work with the director. The ad was lensed by comedy-movie it boy Taika Waititi ("Jojo Rabbit," 2019), who does a cameo at the end.

Or, of course, he might have just wanted the paycheck. It's an incredibly lavish ad that Belvedere clearly paid a lot of money for. And with a runtime of less than two minutes, it would have seemed like quick work for a feature-film star like Craig.


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